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Updated: 2024-02-18

Sawadee kha, Sawadee khrap

Friday, November 17, 2023

Home - Journeys - Thailand 2023, November, December - Friday, November 17, 2023

Mazda CX8.

Mazda CX8.

Eating at Krua Muang Ve.

Eating at Krua Muang Ve.

Eating and drinking with family ....

Eating and drinking with family ....

.... and of course pictures.

.... and of cource pictures.

We slept much better last night with the family in Lat Krabang, We slept much better last night with the
We get up on time and drink coffee.

The plan for today is simple.
Tom wants to buy new slippers at Robinson along Thanon Lat Krabang.
Pia wants to have her hair washed and buy new shampoo.
And Tom wants to try out Moue's new car, it is a Mazda CX8, a large SUV.

Pia calls the hairdresser to ask if she has time today, but unfortunately that is not the case, the hairdresser has to go to the hospital but she may have time this afternoon. The hairdresser wants to go with her husband on Monday to a hot spring, the Pong Krathing Hot Spring, in Ratchaburi, where we also went last year, and she asks if we want to come along. Tom doesn't really feel like it, the hot spring is oke, but not with other people.
Then we drive a bit to the gas station to fill up the tank because, according to good Thai custom, it is almost completely empty. The car drives well, the dimensions are not too bad, about the same size as the old Toyota, so driving it will probably go well.
We take a taxi to Robinson, Tom doesn't like driving on busy roads in Bangkok shortly after arrival. At Robinson we look at Scholl brand slippers, and we buy a new pair of slippers. As we walk further, Pia sees swimsuits and buys a new swimsuit from a well-known brand.
Pia receives a call from one of her sisters, they want to come over tonight for dinner and beer.

We are now hungry. There is plenty to eat in the complex where Robinson is also located, but we don't see anything that we would like to eat.
We cross Thanon Lat Krabang and have something to eat at Krua Muang Ve, a restaurant that sells Vietnamese and Isan food. We have been here before and the food tastes good.
After dinner we go back by taxi. Pia still wants to visit the hairdresser, who is at home, it turns out, and we drive there ourselves.

When we get back there's a lot to be done, especially cleaning up, before dinner tonight.
It is a pleasant evening where, in addition to two sisters, some cousins also come along. Only Kaeng, Moue's husband, is missing, because he is in Krabi for work. He was supposed to arrive at the airport around 10 o'clock tonight, but due to delays that will be later.
It turns out that tomorrow Moue and her family are going to take a train ride over a dam, the Pa Sak Jolasid Dam. Kaeng, Moue's husband will take them away.
And niece Naam Waan is going back to Suphanburi tomorrow where she goes to school. Pia suggests that we can bring her away, we will spend an overnight stay there. We believe Naam Waan likes that.

Written on: 2023-11-18


We tell what we have done and experienced during a trip and we also tell what we think about it; no more and no less.

This is not a travel guide, nor is it advice to visit a place or not. There are other sites for that.
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It is our view of the situation at a certain moment and that view is influenced by our mood, the weather and many other factors.